Brasil Days 2 & 3

Days 2 and 3 here in beautiful Brasil were all about: Surf. Walk. Explore. Repeat. Just can’t beat it.
Silence is a unique thing.
As a solo explorer for most of the last decade I’ve been able to witness silence in a variety of settings.
Sunday night, while walking home from a day that was full of ferry, bus and taxi rides to the tropical city of Itacare, where many were able to share in Futball, food/drink, and many laughs silence did what she always does… Makes ya thankful.
As I walked up a dark hill post USA tie and over a pass the locals warned me was ‘dangerous,’ I kept smiling. Thinking back to a silent road at 26 on Easter Island.
On that distant island off of Chile, my life had been turned upside down, one chapter was ending and I had zero clue where the next one would begin. Safe to say that silence was the last thing I wanted and the only thing I needed.
It’s ironic that during a time where this nation is the furthest thing from silent during this global sporting celebration, the silence between the games, or what a musician would say ‘between the notes’ is what has had its largest impact this far.