Day 8 – Injuries mount but anticipation is epic

Eight days in and I finally understand what Trent Dilfer is talking about. Over the last few years at Elite11, he has told our staff about how his injuries would pile up–each Sunday he would play, but Mondays would be extremely difficult to get out of bed. A week or so into the Camino, it is similar, as all of my old football injuries have come back along the walk. But like Trent expressed, once you get rolling a little out there, you are all good.
And the amazing cafe’s only help each morning ;).
Only a few days left before we reach Santiago and I can feel the anticipation, the community building, the aura of this pilgrimage.
Hope life is exactly how you are envisioning it.
I love following your experiences. One of the most inspiring times of my life was walking the Camino. I sure hope you invite travel partners on your next trip. My husband and I are definitely in.
Thanks for the updates…
PS I have meet you a few times at SC. I’m a friend of Alex Holmes