As we walk, lets enjoy the ‘Simple Joys’

Life is a pretty incredible thing.
We fall on our face, we get up.
We take risks and at times, get rewarded.
We meet people serendipitously and sense emotions we never knew existed.
At 31, I cannot say I am an expert in anything but I can sit here on the other side of the world and write, knowing that I have lived a fulfilled 31 years, with decisions that are my own. As I’ve traveled far and wide for almost a decade my heart has been crushed, my soul has sprouted like a lanky teenager and my spirit has been impacted by cultures and people so much so that words cannot suffice.
And today, as I gaze along the start of the Camino de Santiago with other explorers, I don’t look back and smile or look forward in extreme anticipation…I only hope to compete to be aware of the limitless ‘simple joys’ along the way.
So to those of you out there walking this trail literally or figuratively, I thank you and here’s to maximizing every moment we have, without limits.