Rob Ryan

‘How do you want to live your life for the next 25 years Rob Ryan?’ ~ what Storyteller/CEO Rob Ryan asked himself every day for 8 weeks.
Imagine leaving your life behind to chase your dream of impacting the planet? Imagine documenting that journey? Imagine a single tweet changing your life? Meet Rob Ryan, storyteller and entrepreneur.
After a walk along the Pacific Ocean in 2015 Rob evaluated his journey and accepted that he was a storyteller. Since then, he has used social media to share a story every day, 754 of them at the time of this podcast to be exact.
At 29 years old Rob started his first company, four companies later he finds himself in Santiago, Chile starting another.
His company, GrowthHax, is building and delivering mentorship programs for universities, corporations, government programs and more as they teach entrepreneurs the skills necessary for success by combining storytelling and technology to build mentorship.
You’ll be taken inside a friendship & inspired to seek the best version of yourself.

Storyteller & GrowthHax CEO Rob Ryan
Be sure to follow Rob’s continuous story on Instagram @iAmRobRyan.
Listen to our conversation on iTunes.
Listen to our conversation on BlogTalkRadio.